Remote Spoken Languages Class

Two of AGAPE’s dreams have come true this summer: remote learning and teaching of spoken languages.

The most interesting and magical aspect of this new reality is the satisfaction of  hitting two targets with one arrow. Remote learning and teaching of spoken languages have been among the projects we have been nurturing for years and we have been eager to realize.

At the beginning of June 2021, we were able to secure the help and collaboration of Elisabeth Dorvil who has volunteered her free time on weekends to teach spoken English for now, from the comfort of her home in Germany to the AGAPE’s students in Jeremie.

Ms. Dorvil is a German High School teacher with more than 20 years of experience. She speaks fluent English, Spanish and French; in addition, she has been teaching these languages to her German high school students, whose ease in speaking English can attest to the wonderful job she has done with them. Some of those students have joined Elisabeth’s remote classes with AGAPE’s students a few times

Elisabeth likes to say that the course is more than a language course. It is a cultural exchange where young students on both sides get to experience some of the other’s life. They talk about food, music, and what they like to do after school.
She is a talented, smart, dedicated, compassionate professional with a big heart. Her teaching techniques and methods are exemplary. Her patience in listening to our students and her way to engage them by using the daily conversation of interest to youngsters has kept their attention and encouraged them to be more engaged during the sessions. She has chosen to sacrifice most of her summer weekends to serve and lend a helping hand to AGAPE
We are grateful to Elisabeth and her students for their contribution to a great cause. We hope this project will go far and last long.

Delivering the classes live from Germany to Jeremie every Saturday morning is a logistical challenge, The internet requires constant coaxing to remain up, the electricity can go out any time but the mood is always one of sheer joy. Everybody looks forward to 2 hours of fun learning.